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Latin GIRL waiting for Naughty Guy!
11 of 13

Diez puntos de placer para el hombre

Sep 8th @ 11:15am EDT

El cuerpo est lleno de puntos que producen sensaciones placenteras con apenas acariciarlos. Quieres saber los del hombre?1.- La bocaUn beso bien dado puede ser de lo ms sensual y excitante. La sensibilidad de los labios aumenta con la excitacin hacindolos muy sensibles al roce y la caricia de otros labios y otras partes del cuerpo.2.- Las orejasAunque se cree que las mujeres son ms sensibles a esta parte del cuerpo, los hombres tambin se muestran muy receptivos a su estmulo. El lbulo de la oreja y la parte trasera son los puntos clave. Bien con la lengua o con los labios recorre suavemente el lbulo y presinalo entre tus labios. Tambin puedes soplar un poco, detrs de la oreja.3.- El cuello Puedes volverle loco de placer si empiezas con pequeos besos alrededor del cuello y vas aumentando la intensidad.4.- PezonesLos pezones son muy sensibles tanto en los hombres como en las mujeres. Se pueden soplar, succionar, pellizcar suavemente o apretar entre los labios mientras se le dan ligeros toques con la lengua.5.- VientreEn el hombre, la zona que va del ombligo al pubis est llena de terminaciones nerviosas. Para excitarlas, traza una lnea vertical por ese camino, no slo con las manos, tambin con la lengua y los labios. Puedes trazar una lnea horizontal a travs del abdomen, de cadera a cadera.6.- Las nalgasCuando el hombre est excitado, puedes aumentar su pasin pellizcando o masajeando su trasero. Si haces el amor en la postura del misionero, presiona sus nalgas y masajalas con fuerza. Por cierto, uno de sus puntos fuertes: la zona donde acaba la espalda y empieza el trasero.7.- Las ingles Es una parte especialmente sensible en los hombres. Recorre la ingle con los dedos, y haz un suave masaje desde la cadera hasta el interior del msculo. Combnalo con besos en la cara interna del muslo. Recorre con los dedos todo el interior de la ingle en direccin a su pene hasta llegar a la parte inferior de los testculos.8.- Los testculosSon extremadamente sensibles. Pueden estimularse con la lengua o manualmente mediante caricias. Siempre hay que ir con cuidado y no dar toques bruscos ni golpes.9.- El peneEs la zona ms sensible de un hombre y por lo tanto donde recibe las sensaciones ms intensas y placenteras. Todo el pene es muy sensible, pero hay dos partes en concreto: el glande y el frenillo, o tambin llamado punto V del hombre.10.- El perineoEs la zona comprendida entre los rganos genitales y el ano. Es una zona que reacciona muy bien a la presin de los dedos o a las caricias circulares. En el caso del hombre, es ms sensible an, debido a que bajo la piel se encuentra la prstata, el llamado punto G masculino.

Como provocar el orgasmo masculino

Sep 8th @ 11:12am EDT

No conoces los tipos de orgasmo masculinos? Vers, l, como cualquier otro hombre, es capaz de sentir dos tipos de orgasmos masculinos. Uno es el tpico, ese que llega de golpe despus de llevar unos minutos metido en faena, y que le deja listo para echarse a dormir con la sonrisa puesta. El otro es el orgasmo total cuya sensacin de placer se expande por todo el organismo. Esta especie de Big Bang va surgiendo poco a poco, sin prisa pero sin pausa, y, cuando finalmente estalla, origina una ola de sensaciones que avanzan desde su entrepierna hacia el resto de su cuerpo por todas las clulas de su piel.Aumentar la excitacinEl secreto para que pueda disfrutar y vivir este orgasmo es aumentar la estimulacin gradualmente. De esta forma se mantiene la tensin muscular en la zona sexual al mismo tiempo que su deseo sigue creciendo. Al final, tu chico llegar a un punto de no retorno y toda esa tensin que ha ido acumulando, mental y fsica, estallar. Es como si en ese momento se rompiera un dique y una corriente imparable de placer comenzara a fluir por todo el cuerpo. Suena bien, verdad? Pues si quieres sorprenderlo y verlo disfrutar como no lo haba hecho hasta ahora, lee el paso a paso de estas seis maniobras estimulantes. Nosotras te contamos la tcnica, pero recuerda, ve despacio, muy, muy despacio.Fro, para aumentar su deseoPara empezar, sigue la norma bsica de una pieza de museo. Ya sabes: se puede mirar pero no tocar. Los chicos se excitan mucho por la vista, as que despierta su erotismo con algn gesto o pose sugerente que no sea demasiado directa ni evidente. Tu primer movimiento le pondr de cero a cien en un segundo y le avisar de lo que va a venir a continuacin, pero sin crear tanta tensin sexual como si ya estuvierais en plena accin. Digamos que se trata, simple y llanamente, de calentar motores.Cuando estis juntos en casa viendo la tele, por ejemplo, haz algn comentario acerca del calor que hace en la habitacin. Di que te vas a cambiar de ropa mientras te quitas la camiseta justo cuando pasas por delante de l. Te aseguramos que ese pseudo striptease ser la chispa que encender el canal sexual en su cerebro. A menos que, justo en ese momento, est viendo la final de la Euroliga.Templado, tcale en dos zonasAhora que en su cabecita se ha levantado la barrera que da paso a lo ertico-festivo, llega el turno del segundo paso: acariciarle en dos zonas ergenas al mismo tiempo. Mientras le estimulas manualmente el pene, por ejemplo, atrapa su lengua con tus labios y chpala como si fuera una piruleta.Es evidente que tus manos sobre su miembro le resultarn muy excitantes, pero si a la par siente su lengua envuelta en tus labios tendr la sensacin de que lo prximo que va a pasar empieza por la letra F y acaba por N (felacin!). Traduccin: lo que est por llegar ser an mejor de lo que est viviendo.Caliente, sorprndele manualmenteEn estos momentos de la accin, seguramente tu chico est tan excitado que, si le dejaras, ira directamente a por el orgasmo. Pero no. Retenlo. Acurdate de que tu objetivo es propiciarle un placer total intenssimo, no un puado de fuegos artificiales breves.As que, cuando sientas que su respiracin y su ritmo cardaco se aceleran y los msculos de la zona plvica se contraen, coloca el pulgar en el glande y el resto de la mano en la base del miembro como si estuvieras agarrando un joystick. Aprieta delicadamente durante un par de segundos, suelta y, diez segundos ms tarde, vuelve a repetir la accin sobre su pene.Por qu esto le resulta tan excitante? Vers, cuando un hombre est a punto de llegar al clmax, la sangre se acumula en la zona plvica, sobre todo en el pene, y la tension sexual de su cuerpo est en el punto lgido. Un pequeo apretn como ste consigue retener el flujo sanguneo durante un instante y, de esta forma, se frena brevemente el orgasmo y la tensin en la zona sigue in crescendo.Ardiente. Cambia de posturaCada vez que veas que tu chico est a punto de caramelo, cambia la maniobra ertica. Segn indican algunos estudios cientficos, la variedad en los movimientos y las caricias aumenta la actividad en las zonas del cerebro relacionadas con la excitacin sexual. Es decir, que estimular a tu chico y, al cabo de un rato, cuando est a punto de estallar de placer, hacerle algo totalmente diferente, provocar que cada vez est ms ardiente, fsica y mentalmente.Y qu es lo que te sugerimos para mantener el deseo en el punto ms alto? Si le ests dando sexo oral, por ejemplo, y sientes que l est en el borde del "no-va-a-ms", para en seco y ve a otra cosa. Una pausa momentnea har que se aleje del orgasmo instantneo y la excitacin siga aumentando. O, si, por ejemplo, la postura que tenais era la del misionero, date la vuelta de forma que seas t quien est encima y puedas dirigir y decidir el ritmo. Por un lado, podrs ralentizar la penetracin y contribuir a que l tarde un poco ms en llegar al orgasmo. Pero es que, adems, cuando t ests arriba tienes el control sobre la presin y el ngulo de la posicin, lo cual te llevar a ti a un orgasmo magnfico 100% garantizado.Trrido. El tirn erticoA estas alturas, tu chico ya no puede ms y slo piensa en el alivio final. Sin embargo, an tiene que pasar la penltima "tortura". Ponte encima de l y, cuando te penetre, contrae los musculos vaginales y presiona con ellos la punta de su miembro. Sentir una especie de suave masaje en la zona que le pondr a mil por hora.Despus, antes de que llegue al orgasmo, retrate lentamente para que sienta la friccin de tu sexo sobre el pene, acarciale los testculos y, con mucha delicadeza, cgelos y da un pequeo tirn hacia abajo. (Si es muy sensible al tacto, tambin puedes sujetarlos con un pauelo de seda.) Los expertos aseguran que esta maniobra tiene un efecto catapulta: es el pistoletazo de salida para un orgasmo 10.La zona del perineo se contrae provocando una eyaculacin ms intensa, lo que hace que la onda de placer que recorra todo el cuerpo sea ms profunda.Fuego total, no pares todavaSi crees que ya has llegado al final y la fiesta se ha acabado justo despus de que l se ha desfogado del todo, te equivocas. An puedes prolongar el orgasmo un poco ms. Palabrita. Lmele lentamente el glande o acarciaselo de forma muy delicada.Puede que est tan sensible que no sienta de forma consciente que realmente le ests tocando ah pero, sin duda, el roce de tu piel contra su cuerpo har que su orgasmo se amplifique y sea ms grandioso que cualquier otro que haya experimentado en su vida.

my love

Aug 30th @ 9:52pm EDT

An empty streetnAn empty housenA hole inside my heartnI'm all alonenThe rooms are getting smallernI wonder hownI wonder whynI wonder where they arenThe days we hadnThe songs we sang togethernOh yeahnAnd all my lovenWe're holding on forevernReaching for the love that seems so farnnSo I say a little prayernHope my dreams will take me therenWhere the skies are bluenTo see you once again my lovenAll the seas go coast to coastnFind the place I love the mostnWhere the fields are greennTo see you once again my lovennI tried to readnI go to worknI'm laughing with my friendsnBut I can't stopnTo keep myself from thinkingnnOh nonI wonder hownI wonder whynI wonder where they arenThe days we hadnThe songs we sang togethernOh yeahnAnd all my lovenWe're holding on forevernReaching for the love that seems so farnnSo I say a little prayernHope my dreams will take me therenWhere the skies are bluenTo see you once again my lovenAll the seas go coast to coastnFind the place I love the mostnWhere the fields are greennTo see you once againnnTo hold you in my armsnTo promise you my lovenTo tell you from my heartnYou're all I'm thinking ofnReaching for the love that seems so farnnSo so I say a little prayernHope my dreams will take me therenWhere the skies are bluenTo see you once again my lovenAll the seas go coast to coastnFind the place I love the mostnWhere the fields are greennTo see you once again my lovenSee you in a prayernDreams will take me therenWhere the skies are bluenTo see you once again my lovenAll the seas go coast to coastnFind the place I love the mostnWhere the fields are greennTo see you once again my love

What does an orgasm feel like?

Aug 30th @ 9:31am EDT

nwomen's magazines slip us the kind of information that we wouldn't find elsewhere; they reveal a female perspective that most men just aren't privy to. How they read into our behavior, how they perceive our actions, what their true expectations are... there's plenty to be learned from a glimpse into the other will be providing you with just this kind of gender intelligence -- without the embarrassment that comes with retrieving it from your girlfriend's magazine rack. We'll be publishing a series of features from; articles originally written by women for women, but with insight that's invaluable to men. Of course, in exchange, we had to offer up some intelligence of our own... all the more reason for you to get on the inside track as soon as you can.npuzzling female partsnThe female body is a complicated thing. Most men would give their right arms for a road map of their girlfriends' most puzzling parts. Thankfully, iVillage is here to provide some insight to all men on one of the most confusing female part of all. Men, consider this your personal road map into the female orgasm.nknow her bodynWhat does the female orgasm feel like? How can you have multiple orgasms? Plus: What's the most effective way to achieve simultaneous orgasms? Read on for all that and more!nWhat does an orgasm feel like?nI asked a cross-section of women to describe how they feel when they orgasm. "No problem," they all responded enthusiastically, promising to e-mail me within the hour... except it wasn't quite as easy as they thought. "It's really hard trying to put it into words," one woman said. And she's right. For such a powerful, immense sensation, words suddenly seem inadequate. But after much cajoling (and promises of free drinks next time I saw them), here's what they came up with:nn"I have to concentrate on a fantasy to orgasm. And often they're things I'd never want to happen in reality. My favorite fantasy at the moment involves my boyfriend sneaking off to the pub and picking up some girls with a friend of his. His friend then has intercourse with one, while he has oral sex with the other girl on the bed beside him. I time my orgasm to coincide with where I'm at in the fantasy. I put myself in the girl's place and imagine what she'd be feeling during oral sex."n"Sometimes when I'm really turned on, I can't orgasm. So I need to really concentrate. If I really, really want him, I'll often choose penetration over oral sex, even though oral sex is usually the only way I can climax. I guess it's because of the stronger, more physical feeling."n"My favorite orgasms are through oral sex. When he starts, I feel incredibly sensitive everywhere. Then the sensation sharpens and isolates around the clitoris. Everything feels hot, then when I climax, I feel my vagina pulsating and there's a few seconds of exquisite sensation. Sometimes, I'll have three or four intense spasms, then nothing. Other times they're followed by smaller waves, spaced less close together."n"When I use a vibrator, orgasm is like a strong rush of pleasure where everything is centered around the clitoris. Then I feel tension build, and pleasure build with it, until it feels like my clitoris is going to explode. I can feel myself going into spasms and my brain feels like it's being flooded. After it's over, I feel really alert and quite business-like. The whole thing takes less time than it does to make a cup of tea."n"I can orgasm through penetration, but only if I'm incredibly turned on. Usually he's from behind and thrusting quite hard. It seems to help if he holds me around my waist so his penis is deep inside me and the thrusting movements are small. I feel an aching feeling that builds and then peaks. Then it's like waves of pleasure radiating. Often the waves will last quite a long time. Because it feels dramatically different than a clitoral orgasm, at first I wasn't sure whether I was actually having an orgasm or not through penetration. But all the girls I've spoken to say this is what they feel when they orgasm vaginally, too: It's a more general feeling than centrally focused."nnn

yo te quiero

Aug 29th @ 10:41am EDT

Yo paso y paso paso por tu casano me conformo con verte de lejosmejor me aguanto hasta el fin de semanay te visito con algun pretextocon solo verte me pongo nerviosoque hasta siento que estoy haciendo el osoay mirame mi vida yo como hagoque ya me tienes enamoradodime que si, dime que siy te aseguro que no te arrepientes mi amordime que si, ay dime que siporque este amor nace en mi corazonporque me gustas tanto, tanto, tanto, tantooooooporque me gustas tanto que ya yo no aguantono aguanto masYo paso y paso paso por tu casano me conformo con verte de lejosmejor me aguanto hasta el fin de semanay te visito con algun pretextoQuiero besarte pero me da miedoporque no conozco tus sentimientosy seria el hombre mas feliz del mundosi me quisieras como yo te quieroVea como son las cosas de la vidaen un principio te cai muy malque pensarias que con el tiempoyo te llegaria a interesardime que si, dime que siy te aseguro que no te arrepientes mi amordime que si, ay dime que siporque este amor nace en mi corazonporque me gustas tanto, tanto, tanto, tantooooooporque me gustas tanto que ya yo no aguantono aguanto masyo te quiero ver, yo te quiero verno aguanto mas


Aug 28th @ 6:46pm EDT

Un siglo llevo en soledadAtrapada queriendo escaparSoando que alguien... me libereMe lanzas un besoY yo te quiero amarPero hay un precioQue tendrs que pagarPara que me entregueOh oh oh oh ohMi cuerpo dice quieroOh oh oh oh ohPero mi alma tiene miedoSi me quieres junto a tiFrota bien y ya versComo un genio liberadoHar tus sueos realidadSi me quieres junto a tiGnate mi coraznTres deseos te concedoSi me juras tu amorComo un genio atrapado esperoLiberarme con tu amor sinceroComo un genio atrapado esperoVen, ven, a sacarme de aquBailando nos domina la pasinNuestros impulsos fuera de controlEs tan difcil...contenersePiensas que hoy tal vez sucederPero yo s que nada pasarTienes que quererme (tienes que quererme)Oh oh oh oh yeah, yeah, yeahOh oh oh oh ohMi cuerpo dice quieroOh oh oh oh ohPero mi alma tiene miedoSi me quieres junto a tFrota bien y ya versComo un genio liberadoHar tus sueos realidadSi me quieres junto a tGnate mi coraznTres deseos te concedoSi me juras tu amorComo un genio atrapado esperoLiberarme con tu amor sinceroComo un genio atrapado esperoVen, ven, a sacarme de aquComo un genio atrapado esperoLiberarme con tu amor sincero(Si me quieres junto a t)Como un genio atrapado esperoVen, ven, a sacarme de aquOh oh oh oh ohMi cuerpo dice quieroOh oh oh oh ohPero mi alma tiene miedoSi me quieres junto a tFrota bien mi lmparaComo un genio liberado(Soy el genio atrapado)Har tus sueos realidadSi me quieres junto a tGnate mi coraznTres deseos te concedoSi me juras tu amor(Si me juras tu amor)Si me quieres junto a t(Si me quieres junto a t)Frota bien y ya versComo un genio liberado(oh yeah oh, amor)Har tus sueos realidadSi me quieres junto a t(atrapado baby)Gnate mi corazn(oh, yeah)Tres deseos te concedo(oh, si, vamos, vamos)Si me juras tu amorComo un genio atrapado esperoVen, ven a sacarme de aqu.

moment for life

Aug 18th @ 12:56am EDT

I fly with the stars in the skies,I am no longer trying to survive,I believe that life is a prize,But to live doesn't mean you're alive,Don't worry about me and who I fireI get what I desire it's my empireAnd yes I call the shots I am the umpireI sprinkle holy water upon a vampire, vampireAnd this very moment I'm kingThis very moment I slay Goliath with a sling,This very moment I bringPut it on everything that I will retire with the ring,And I will retire with the crown, Yes!No I'm not lucky I'm blessed, Yes!Clap for the heavyweight champ, Me!But I couldn't do it all alone, We!Young Money raised me, grew up out in PaisleySouthside Jamaica, Queens and it's crazycuz I'm still hood, Hollywood couldn't change meshout out to my haters, sorry that you couldn't faze meain't being cocky we just vindicated, best believe thatwhen were doneThis moment will be syndicated, I don't know thisnight just reminds meof everything that they deprived me of, kuhh!ppppp put ya drinks up, it's a celebration every timewe link upWe done did everything they can think ofGreatness is what we wanna brink up.[Chorus]I wish that I could have this moment for life, for life,for life'Cuz in this moment I just feel so alive, alive, alive

ay amor traicionero

Aug 11th @ 3:37pm EDT

Nose por que el amor nos brina unas bucadasdamos el corazon a alguien que no nos quierenose por que el amor cuando es traicionerole damos el querer viendo que no es sinceroAy amor ay amor...ay amor traicioneroay amor ay amor... por que no eres sincerocuando no te quieren lloras, cuando no te quieren lloras, cuando no te quieren llorasy si te quieren no sabes querercuando no te quieren lloras, cuando no te quieren lloras, cuando no te quieren lloraslloras no haces mas que llorar.Ay amor ay amor...ay amor traicioneroay amor ay amor... por que no eres sincerocuando no te quieren lloras, cuando no te quieren lloras, cuando no te quieren llorasy si te quieren no sabes querercuando no te quieren lloras, cuando no te quieren lloras, cuando no te quieren lloraslloras no haces mas que llorar.Llora corazon, sufre del dolor, sangra por la herida que te dejo el desamor.Llora corazon, sufre del dolor, sangra por la herida que te dejo el desamor.Llora corazon, sufre del dolor, sangra por la herida que te dejo el desamor.

the perfect guys

Jun 25th @ 9:05pm EDT

I want a man who does not speak so much strawSo much can, nice,Have investments, a lot of money,I hate also hate football basketball,And if I exceed my purchasingDo not get annoyed and shut up!,Every time I'm going to 'the street,If you see a sight silicones will fail,That iron to wash, cook also,Every Sunday take me pal cinemaNot opine!,I am surprised with serenades,That does not realize when I screw up,What do diet, I pack the bags,Have face and body of a sexy athlete,So it costs nothing to dream, so dream costs nothingso it costs nothing to dream,all equal the same thing I'm tired (bis)And do not take, do not smoke, likes to goand obey when commanded to sleepI take holidays throughout the yearand I bought the latest swimwearwho knows about fashion and magazines I buyand though I try as diva as artistcome not awarded a smug motherI do not put up with a crazy bad ...that his friends are the chosen my holy father,Merque that my aunts, my grandmother and my motherI deserve it I've always dreamed of this.I want a nice man, intelligent and honestSo it costs nothing to dream, so dream costs nothingso it costs nothing to dream,all equal the same thing I'm tired (bis)I want a man who put all his property to my nameThat everything I say or do astonishesknown the kamasutra and not shake in bedThat makes me feel like a sexy ladyThat I dance like Michael, who sing like Beyonce,To sleep between 10 and 11Have the perfect sizeThis is a direct and erectSo it costs nothing to dream, so dream costs nothingso it costs nothing to dream,all equal the same thing I'm tired (bis)I thin ... ahhh baby dream costs nothingI want a man like in fairy talesAs a faithful man pocahontas ... and coolAjaPump it

muah guys

Jun 16th @ 10:18am EDT

imback guys after a long time and miss fun if u missme too visit me onmy room and play withme muah papasitos


May 12th @ 5:57pm EDT

guys im so horny want great time in pvt love cum and have my realistic toy ready for ride and do great blow job :)

im horny

Apr 21st @ 10:11pm EDT

guys i want cum and fun :) visitme and giftme a great time :)

miss you

Mar 29th @ 10:19am EDT

muah miss fun with u papi want u 24 hours 7 days for me :D nn☻♥ ☻n/♥\./█\n.||. .||


Mar 11th @ 1:28am EST

............(0 0).---oOO-- (_)-----.╔═════════════════╗║ thx hun muah .♥║╚═════════════════╝'----------------------oOO........|__|__|.......... || ||....... ooO Ooo

Male fantasies

Mar 10th @ 10:25am EST

1. Sex in a public place.The morbid to think that you may be surprised in the act sexually aroused much to men. 2. Two women and a man two women taking his body at the same time. 3. the voyeur The boys also fantasize about seeing his girl having sex with another woman ... while they watch everything, of course. 4. uniformed Enjoy a performance of uniforms is something crazy to most men. Nurse, police, schoolgirl, devil ... all professions and roles you can imagine.5. See how your partner masturbatesMost men do not enjoy masturbation alone who can give his girl. Many also burn with pleasure at seeing his partner masturbates and enjoys satisfaction, reaching ecstasy in front of him. 6. Sex with a stranger They love to fantasize about having sex with the girl suddenly library, metro, supermarket, bus ... A fleeting encounter pleasant. 7. be dominated Although men sometimes seek to dominate the sexual encounter, in others, prefer to let go and submit to the woman.8. The good girl Bring to the dark side to the typical girl incorruptible, decent, too right ... turn the intellectual candy that looks like ice in a wild girl descontrolad. 9. The bride, wife, mother, cousin of a friend ...For the forbidden is always more ambitious, more difficult to achieve ... and so much more exciting. The wife and the mother takes the cake of this fantasy, being the least sinful distant cousin of the possibilities. 10. Sex with an older woman This is a fantasy especially youth, representing the older woman's experience, seeing it as something ambitious.


Mar 8th @ 8:24am EST

Wonderful creation of God,to the problems of lifenever will give up,offers advice and companionship.Cra life in her womband fight for those who want,works for a better tomorrow,providing hope and hope.It is unique in the universe,mother is more than a friend.There is no love comparablethat of a woman and a mother.


Mar 6th @ 9:48am EST

Today I want to know how much I love you and how much you mean. In life there are many paths to follow, some lead to sadness and others lead us to endless happiness. Note that just as we have for different directions, one led me to meet someone that fills me with joy and love every moment of my life, someone who taught me to discover what love means. I appreciate every moment of happiness you have given me, you're a wonderful human being, I love you very much, never forget that, and although I am in another place, the distance will not be a factor that prevents me love you more and more and more, with an infinite supply because my heart belongs to you and you need every day.MUAHHHHHH PAPASITO

for my ANGEL!

Mar 3rd @ 8:25am EST

When my soul was for your eyesMy heart leaped for joyincredible sense of an angelperceived my soul.It seems you already knowperhaps soul mateshave given birth to my lifeI would never see.I say sincere wordsthat my heart is burieddo not hurt my heartbeatnublaras because my existence.You, my beloved angelI write without borderstake care of the twoto bloom the stars thx xooxoxooxoxoxooxox

Shower Show

Feb 26th @ 3:29pm EST

Hello guys come join me and fuck me in my pool shower show today i wait u there :)

happy day

Feb 25th @ 10:29am EST

hace 3 aos llego a mi vida una persona muy especial que Dios me mando para que me hiciera compaia y estuviera siempre con migo la amo es lo mejor que me ha pasado en la vida Gracias DIOS. Por este regalito. 3 years ago came into my life a very especaial that God sent me to keep me company and was always with me I love is the best thing that has happened in my life Thank God. For this gift. ╔══╗─╔══╗♥╚╗╔╩╗║╔╗╠═♫╦═╗─║║╩╣♫╠╣║║║║╬║─╚╩═╝╚╝╚╩╩╩╩═╝♥ ____ (`(♥)) _____(`(♥))___ (_.^._)___(_.^._)___(`v)(`(♥))(_.^._)(`v)_(`(♥))___(_.^._)______(`v)________(`(♥))___________(_.^._)____________ _____________

IF understand it.

Feb 23rd @ 9:03am EST

If you understand Understand, that "I love you" is now going out of your hand.If you understand Understand, I can not take away the freshness of your lips.If you understand Understand, the void left in my soul, when you're not.If you understand Understand the need to have you.If you understand Understand, my incessant desire to love you.If you understand Understand, the silence of my soul to not see you.If you understand Understand, that this love was not just luck.If you understand Understand, I need your eyes.If you understand Understand that your beauty is here in my eyes, trapped.If you understand Understand, to turn the vacuum and open arms only to fill the bed.If you understand Understand, here awaits the man who loves you more.If you understand Understand, I miss you every second.If you understand Understand, you're my world, forever.If you understand Understand, that my only desire is loving you.If you understand Understand, I lose for you the reason.If you understand Understand, the call always makes my heart.

love this Thousand Miles:)

Feb 22nd @ 10:38am EST



Feb 14th @ 8:41am EST

★ *˛ ˚♥♥* ✰。˚ ˚ღ。* ˛˚ ♥♥ 。✰˚* ˚ ★ღ ˚ 。✰ * ˚ ♥♥" ✰˚ ♥*HAPPY VALENTINE DAY FANS....

RIP Whitney

Feb 12th @ 11:41am EST

Sad day dead Whitney Houston a great singer rest in peace


Feb 11th @ 2:45pm EST

GUYS HOPE HAVE GREAT VALENTINE KISSES (.♥➷♥*)..*) .*)(.(. ..*) .♥➷*)─▀██▀─▄███▄─▀██─██▀██▀▀▀█───██─███─███─██─██─██▄█────██─▀██▄██▀─▀█▄█▀─██▀█── ♥➷♥─▄██▄▄█▀▀▀─────▀──▄██▄▄▄█..*) ♥.*) (.♥➷♥.♥.♥.*)♥.*).*♥


Feb 3rd @ 10:11am EST

great party time guys ty for tipme i enjoy the squirt :D jejejejejeje love spank my clittttttt :D


Feb 1st @ 9:51am EST

ty to allmy fans makeme night great. nlove naughty guys adn love my girls fans. thx xoxoxoxox


Jan 28th @ 10:33pm EST

Hey Guys And Girls Come Join Me I Wanna drink some Wine just come and be with me i m very naughty when i drink Cheers...

Hot Girl

Jan 17th @ 7:19pm EST

Hello Guys and Girl i love to be naugthy in pvt i love cam2cam i love when they cum hard mmmm that turn me on more i like they finish and go with a big smile in they face and some cum in they hand visit me guys and girl i dont like to waste time in pvt ;)

!!! Anal Week !!!

Jul 12th @ 4:25pm EDT

Hello My friends and lovers i just want to said this week i m in really mood for some anal play i wanna do every about anal sex and i wanna learn more new things about anal sex all this week baby i m in ANAL SEX MOOD come and play with my asshole ;)


Jun 29th @ 11:52am EDT

Guys visitmy galery of vod very sexy and hot muah


Feb 28th @ 6:09pm EST

I`m here wait for you Papi muah :)

muah guys

Feb 27th @ 2:34pm EST

im here very horny very wet ;) want CUM Guys ;)


Feb 27th @ 11:47am EST

Guys wait forme im here in 2 hours ;) im so very horny guys :) xoxoxoxoxox


Feb 21st @ 9:52am EST

I'm here Guys Visitme


Feb 20th @ 6:46pm EST

I`M Here More horny guys;)

I m Back

Feb 20th @ 6:13pm EST

Hi Guys Miss me I m back horny and reloaded visit me to make me cum big kisssssssssss...


Feb 11th @ 10:22pm EST

Be my Valentiny Guys ;9 im wait for u very wet and horny ;) my realistic dick want cum allover my face


Feb 10th @ 6:05pm EST

New Outfit Guys Come And Look it Kisses


Feb 8th @ 9:43am EST

want see a hot girl visitme GUYS wanna squirt a fountain ;)


Feb 5th @ 3:13pm EST

Not cum yet guys ineed cum my pussylips are very wet visitme ;)

visit me!

Feb 4th @ 2:02pm EST

Hi guys im here i wait for you :)

Squirt Dildo

Jan 25th @ 5:34pm EST

Hi guys i buy a new toy and i wanna play with it :D Is a realistic toy A BIGGER one and Squirt toy too so is perfect for make facials come and visit me guys big Kiss XXXOOO...


Jan 8th @ 11:04pm EST

I m online in a few for play :)


Jan 7th @ 8:30am EST

My breast want play guys and squezze milk :) for cum faster visitme have fun time ;)

cant sleep

Jan 6th @ 12:04am EST

Hi guys cant sleep im so horny go to my room for fun time :)


Jan 5th @ 8:57am EST

Guys im here. not cum today want me goto my hot room :)

2011 :)

Jan 2nd @ 12:23am EST

Thx to all my fans for visit me all the year and make me feel great love u kisses to everyone see u soon muahhh soon mean tomorrow :D

Phone Sex

Dec 10th @ 11:23pm EST

Hi Guys finally tonight i got my line for phone sex so i wait for some dirty talk by phone sex in pvt see u there guys XOXOXOXOXO


Aug 11th @ 10:22am EDT

Hey i m ready for a good and hard fuck time this morning i wake up very very horny and so wet i have a wet dream ...

Fishnets lingerie

Jul 25th @ 6:49pm EDT

Hi everyone i m very horny and wet today i wanna play with my black fishnets and squirt over it guys with this fetish visit me and lets play together XOXOXOX...


Mar 9th @ 2:04pm EST

Hey my dear friends today go to vacations i think miss lots play with u guys see u in about 15 days guys take care and save u credits for me :P XXXOOO

Squirt Fountain

Jan 21st @ 9:20pm EST

Well just wanna invited to all people to watch me squirt lots this night, i m very horny and wanna play ;)

Hi Guys and Girls

Dec 21st @ 6:17pm EST

hello everybody i m waiting for do a hot long squirt or play dirty in pvt i wait there in my room

Hello Karlie Horny

Dec 19th @ 10:14pm EST

Hey guys this night i feeling vey horny i hope see there guys i have alot squirt for this night and my tits are very full of milk for play kisses lovers

11 of 13

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